January 17, 2010

Yesterday I had a lovely conversation with a little old lady (Can I call her that? I mean it with all affection possible) while at work. She was funny, hip, and willing to give me advice on pretty much every subject without asking for it. And while normally someone spewing advice on everything without your having asked for it can be really irritating, hers was so spot on and charming, I couldn't help but bask in it. She was delightful.

She offered suggestions on more immediate concerns, such as getting a job worthy of me. She also informed me that my boyfriend should give me the biggest rock possible, because if it was a sacrifice for him to buy it, it'll be more of an obligation for him to stick around -- he won't want to walk away from an investment that big. I'm not entirely sure I agree with the logic on that one, but it was really adorable.

She also gave me more of the standard wise elder to foolish youth advice -- don't hurry this life, but don't waste your time/efforts/energy in the meantime. And while I'm sure most of us have heard something to this effect at various points in our life, it really hit me this time. Perhaps because her manner and other advice were so warm, honest, and quirky, perhaps because I was entirely smitten with her, perhaps because I was just open to hearing it, but something about it really hit home.

So I'm going to try and live up to her expectations -- though it is quite likely I won't ever see here again. This week I'll take pleasure and enjoyment from life, but I also won't spend my downtime lolling on the couch reading blogs and channel surfing. I'll actively try to change things in my life I don't like. On the list for this week:

1. New job. I may not get the job any time soon, but I can prepare myself for any openings in the future, and start making connections in a variety of fields that interest me.

2. New hobbies. TV, while I love it, isn't a real hobby. I'll work on my novel, do some sewing, and try to finish my book on physics. And maybe I can learn a little more about this magical but daunting new city -- the L.A. area has so much to offer, why waste time in my tiny apartment?

3. New health. I'll find a gym I like and eat real food in proper portions. With maybe a naughty snack or two over the course of the week.

January 15, 2010

Eating Well

As part of my resolutions, I'm trying to be healthier. This means, in large part, changing my eating habits. I'm a snacker, a mindless eater, and kind of a pig, especially when it comes to sweet treats and salty chips/crackers. Candy is definitely a problem. I have no intention to stop eating these things, not at all. Just eating them in greater moderation, and trying to balance them out by eating mostly really good, real food. Lots of produce, low fat dairy, whole grains, beans, with a bit of meat and other miscellany. You know, all those foods that you know you are supposed to be eating but don't necessarily do. Michael Pollan has told us this, The Food Network has told us this, and hell, probably Al Gore for all I know. The real trick is doing it.

The delicious blog the kitchn posted a few days ago about foodie Alton Brown and his way of eating better. I read the post and watched the links to Alton's show -- isn't he a cutie in that oh-so-delightful geeky way? -- and found myself pretty jazzed about all the goodness I could eat.

And if I may be so bold as to improve on Alton's wisdom, I suggest you throw a handful or two of leafy dark greens (like spinach! yum!) in that smoothie. Especially for those who don't like spinach so much -- all the other rich flavors totally overpower it, and you'll never know it's there. Plus, I like to pair my small to medium sized smoothie with a wasa cracker spread with peanut butter. Keeps me full longer, gives me something to chew on, and it is tasty! And I find that when I start the day eating right, I'm so much more likely to continue to do so.

January 14, 2010

The Hanky

My charming boyfriend uses handkerchiefs. When I first discovered this about him, I was delighted and amused, as the only other person I knew who used them was my southern gentleman grandfather. Also, I was a little freaked out, because who wants a used tissue hanging out in their pocket all day? But after awhile, I began to notice others who use them, and have borrowed them on occasion from said charming boyfriend. Then my lovely mother gave me a pretty floral one in my stocking this past Christmas, and I put it in my purse to have on hand. I've used it a few times, and appreciated its handiness, convenience, eco-friendly nature. And then I caught a cold. (I could now launch an aside on why this was just another reason for me to be annoyed with L.A., but I won't) And now I'm hooked. They are softer than tissues, can be used far more times before a new one is needed, and even then, you simply wash the hanky and start afresh. It doesn't hurt that it only gets softer with each wash, or that it makes me feel like a lady to pull a hanky from my purse, neatly folded into squares, to catch my sneeze. And tomorrow at work, when I'm sniffly and sneezy and generally disgusting, I'll have it tucked in my pocket to retain some semblance of dignity. Ladies and gentlemen, go get yourselves some hankies.

ps: The image is from here. I found lots of cute ones on etsy. I also found a box of 6 plain white ones at Ross for about $5, for all you crafty types to decorate yourselves. Or for you minimalist folks who like it simple.

January 13, 2010


Thanks to Have Your Cake, I found lululemon's manifesto earlier today. And it punched me in the head with all its goodness. I recommend it highly, especially if you, like me, are still in the "It's still early in the year so I don't have to start my resolutions just yet, right?" phase.

Full text version is here. Read and enjoy!

January 7, 2010


I really like New Year Resolutions. They give me goals, inspiration, and excellent unachievable tasks to make myself feel like I might have enormous potential. Seriously, though, I do love me a nice list of goals and make them throughout the year. I have my Before 30 list, my annual lists, and lots and lots of daily and weekly lists. Unfortunately, I tend to be really bad at the follow through. So I'm trying to make my annual list this year with some of my usual high standards, and enough that are truly accomplishable. Of course, the fact that I haven't really started any of them yet (cough, cough) is a great sign.

1. Feel Fancy every day, in at least some small way

2. Make use of the Library: Learn new things and read delicious novels for free!

4. Be healthy. Mentally, Physically, Emotionally.

5. Play often.

6. Finish my novel and sell it.

7. Start and finish a planned spoof with my sister

8. Revive my awesome band

9. Be a better (i.e., regular poster of interesting tidbits) blogger

10. Learn the complete dances to both Thriller and Single Ladies

11. Be a better sewer, crafter, artist

12. Be like Chuck

13. Become a teacher (HS English OR HS Earth Science if my lucky stars align)